Yuk Mengenal 5 Jenis Produk Asuransi

Ilustrasi Jenis Produk Asuransi | Umma.id

Produk asuransi merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk kita miliki saat ini agar dapat melindungi diri dari berbagi resiko kerugian finansial di masa yang akan datang. Dengan adanya asuransi akan membuat kehidupan menjadi lebih nyaman. Ketika musibah kerap datang menghampiri kita akan mendapatkan proteksi dari asuransi tersebut. Kita harus memahami manfaat dari asuransi yang akan kita miliki. Berikut ini jenis asuransi yang harus kita pahami :

Asuransi Kecelakan Diri Plus

Produk asuransi ini memberikan perlindungan (proteksi) kepada kita dari kecacatan, kematian, dan santunan akibat kecelakaan sepeda motor. Kita hanya perlu mengeluarkan sebesar Rp. 10.000 (setara dengan nasi telor 1) sudah bisa mendapatkan perlindungan sampai Rp. 210.000.000. Tetapi, kita jangan lupa untuk melaporkan kejadian paling lambat 5 hari setelah kejadian terjadi.

Asuransi Siji Fixed Link

Produk asuransi ini merupakan jenis unit link, dimana kita mendapatkan proteksi dan inventasi secara langsung. Unit link ini tersedia di salah satu perusahaan asuransi jiwa terbesar (PT. Asuransi Simas Jiwa). Keunggulan dari asuransi ini, yaitu: kita dapat memiliki dalam jangka waktu 3 bulan, hasil investasi yang tinggi, tidak perlu memeriksa kesehatan, uang kematian mencapai Rp. 25.000.000, dan memberikan perlindungan hingga 100 tahun.

Asuransi Capital Eka Proteksi

Produk asuransi ini memberikan pertanggungan terhadap pihak polis jika meninggal dunia karena kecelakaan atau non kecelakaan. Selain itu, uang yang ditanggung full uang pertanggungan 100%. Keunggulan Asuransi Capital Eka Proteksi, yaitu:

  • Minimum premi hanya Rp. 100.000
  • Uang pertanggungan hingga Rp. 750.000.000
  • Tidak memerlukan pemeriksaan kesehatan

Syarat yang harus diperhatikan, yaitu:

  • Usia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 50 tahun
  • Minimal uang pertanggungan sebesar Rp. 25.000.000
  • Pengajuan klaim paling lambat 90 hari terhitung sejak meninggalnya tertanggung

Setelah kita mengenal beberapa asuransi yang harus kita miliki. Marilah dari sekarang kita sudah mulai menentukkan asuransi yang wajib kita miliki untuk di masa depan! Cari tahu yuk beberapa 2 jenis produk asuransi lainnya di





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  35. Bovada is related to Cafe Casino, Ignition Casino, and Slots.lv, but it does have a sportsbook and poker room in addition to the standard casino fare. The drawback is that the casino bonuses are a bit smaller, but on the other hand, Americans can do all their online gaming from one single account here. Even though the name would imply that SuperSlots.ag is limited to just those spinning reels, that is not the case at all. This is a full-fledged online casino that is going to have everything that you are looking for and then some. Much like other online casinos, the SuperSlots withdrawal section is a bit scarce. Still, the casino has covered all the bases, offering nine cashout payment options. I’ve put all the methods that are on offer in the table below. Feel free to check them out. 
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  37. Si todos los pasos mencionados más arriba se han evaluado de forma positiva, le otorgamos una puntuación final y escribimos una reseña detallada con nuestras conclusiones. Cada casino se revisa de nuevo cada tres meses, y nuestras evaluaciones y calificaciones se actualizan según convenga. Abogamos por la transparencia, de modo que enumeraremos todos los aspectos, tanto positivos como negativos, de cada casino. Los casinos que obtengan una mala puntuación se incluirán en nuestra lista negra, para que tú, como jugador, puedas estar seguro de que tu dinero y ganancias están a salvo evitando estos casinos. Normalmente, los casinos online con transferencia bancaria no te cobran ninguna comisión por tus depósitos. No solo no te cobran comisión, sino que suelen premiarte cuando realizas tu primera transferencia. De todas maneras, te recomendamos leer los términos y condiciones de tu casino para asegurarte de que sea así. También creemos que deberías consultar con tu banco porque las entidades bancarias suelen cobrar una mínima comisión por la transferencia.
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  38. Virgin Casino, like most competitive online casinos, benefits from offering a wide selection of payment methods. When you’re looking to add funds to an online casino account, it can be frustrating to be limited with choices for depositing. Luckily, Virgin has a great selection of cashier options for its users. Reveal five Free Spins, and each freebie is worth 25X. What’s more, is that the Free Spins feature can re-trigger up to 10 times, for a total of 70 spins. When a bonus is received, the player must play with the stake money so that he can use the bonus offered by the casino. The welcome bonus at Trada is an exceptionally good one. Firstly, they will give you 25 free spins as soon as you sign-up, without you even needing to make a deposit. These free spins can then be used to play Stacks O’ Gold, which is an online slot produced by iSoftBet. It’s not the greatest slot ever made, but you’ll be getting the chance to win something from nothing, so you won’t mind!
    The games are a real source of happiness with breathtaking video slot machines. There are for all tastes thanks to multi-theme games especially cared for in the Graphics and sound animations. That is good in all this, when playing with the Cozyno casino, one can actually earn money with particularly flexible casino games in the price redistribution. The news abounds every week. All the more reason to be faithful in this quality platform which in parallel offers access to a VIP program, the club Cozyno VIP where each euro bet allows to earn even more money! “If a player’s accumulated deposit amount does not exceed €200, player will be entitled only up to X10 last deposit. This maximum payout will be enforced also in cases where the player made additional deposits which were deemed at the sole discretion of the Casino to have been made in order to exceed the €200 accumulated deposit amount.”

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    It sometimes happens that being a beginner at poker, you don’t want to lose all your money. The sign-up bonus is helpful for the players to learn and try the game as a beginner. Now you get the opportunity to explore a real-time experience of the poker gameplay without investing in it. It is beneficial for those who intend to learn the game but is unable due to the risk of losing money. For more than forty years, the World Series of Poker has been the most trusted name in the game. WSOP continues this legacy, yet strikes the proper balance between professional-grade and accessible. It’s all the action and prestige of the World Series of Poker, from the comfort of your home or locale of choice. At WSOP, anyone can play and anyone can win. Dreams are dealt on daily basis. And no matter who you are, there’s always a seat waiting for you.

  40. Please try another search Yobit is a Russian based cryptocurrency exchange site. Yobit offers both an above-average number of markets and a much above the average number of tradable pairs. Yobit has an average commission fee. Website popup A YoBit exchange review also reveals that this digital asset exchange lost a substantial quantity of Ethereum Classic (Ticker symbol: ETC) tokens during the 51% attack on the ETC network that took place in January 2019. The hacker allegedly returned 94% of the stolen ETC tokens. Back in 2008, in the peak of the financial crisis, a whitepaper by a mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto emerged detailing an electronic peer to peer cash system that was completely decentralized with no servers or central authority. The idea of a digital payment solution wasn’t new; it was tried by economists and engineers alike throughout the 90’s. What Satoshi had done was to create a “trustless” system that operated without the need of a 3rd party to verify transactions. Satoshi had solved the “double spend” problem that had plagued economists for decades, giving birth to Bitcoin, a digital payments solution that might prove to be the next evolution for money and our monetary system. 
    Meme coins had a resurgence in 2021 following Elon Musk’s outspoken support for the original meme coin, Dogecoin. Riding on DOGE’s coattails, several new meme coins managed to garner attention from crypto investors. cryptocurrencies Another meme coin that was inspired by Dogecoin, known as Shiba Inu, has also become successful in recent years. However, this crypto was intended to poke fun at crypto, as Dogecoin did. Shiba Inu simply plays off the “Doge” meme to gain popularity. Dogecoin ($DOGE) – the crypto market’s first and leading memecoin – is down over 9% over the last seven days, dropping alongside Bitcoin in the hours following the latest US CPI report. Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, meme coins are designed as an homage to a meme, an interesting or funny idea captured in an image, video, or another form of media. In general, meme coins are designed to go viral and be shared, like the memes they are based on.

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  42. Please note: Although you can play up to 4 games at one time, live casino games are restricted to one instance only. This means that you can play 4 slot games or 1 live casino game plus 3 instant win (slots, arcade table games) games. One fortunate player won a record-breaking payout of CA$20,059,287 on Mega Moolah at the Zodiac Casino in January 2019. The jackpot winner was one of five players to win the main jackpot on the game that year. Captain Cooks, Yukon Gold, and Grand Mondial were the online casino platforms that paid out the other five progressive jackpot prizes, each worth more than CA$3 million. Playing slots online using a mobile device is basically becoming the new standard, so we didn’t even consider a single unoptimized online slot casino. SSL encryption and maximum safety are a must for the best online casinos, and we also like neatly organized menus, fast loading times, and cool design.
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